I Have Seen Things You Would't Believe

“The only story I know is mine.”

The site-specific exhibition I Have Seen Things You Wouldn’t Believe is a kind of honest probe into the life of Marek Šilpoch, a personal confession of an old ego. It is a story about the distorted ideals of an artist living in a consumer society, about fulfilled dreams played by lust or about the destruction and rediscovery of oneself and new values. It also serves as a tool for understanding and overcoming current problems by working on a conscious level. The exhibition is a journey across time, where the visitor through the past, present and future may see how the artist perceives his old self from a distance, what he went through, where it led him and, last but not least, where he would like to continue.

The exhibition is also Marek Šilpoch’s final doctoral thesis, in which he devoted himself to light art in the context of art history and contemporary visual culture. The study of the historical connotations of artists and their works, together with active artistic and curatorial work, led him to the thesis of how to use the spectacularity and appeal of light art for the entertaining education of society in the area of not only environmental topics. The exhibition thus naturally becomes a kind of manifesto of these ideas put into practice through the author’s transformation and creation.

Many thanks to my lovely friends for hot pictures and Matěj Moravec for beautiful logo!

All rights reserved MAREK ŠILPOCH, 2025